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Re: HAVE YOU EVER HAD THE TIME!? - 10:58pm 04 Dec 2001
Posted by: Judge_Gosht
Date: 10:58pm 04 Dec 2001

This message has been read 43 times.

Ta bro. We appreciate this. It should also be noted that GZ was first conceived in '97 and initialised in the first half of '98. Later in '99 we appointed Rapts as 'gamer of the year'.

Funnily enough, after I met Rapts offline for the first time we realised that we'd already met at Rustlers Valley in '96...

that's it from the GZ annals, for the mo..:)



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  Replies author date
  HAVE YOU EVER TAKEN THE TIME!? - Rapts   Azul    12:02pm 01/12/01 
  Thanks Rapts. I appreciate it   Shade_of_Green    10:05pm 08/12/01 
  Re: HAVE YOU EVER HAD THE TIME!? -   Judge_Gosht    05:57pm 04/12/01 
  Re: HAVE YOU EVER HAD THE TIME!? -   Radient    06:57pm 04/12/01 
  Re: HAVE YOU EVER HAD THE TIME!? -   Judge_Gosht    10:58pm 04/12/01 
  Re: HAVE YOU EVER HAD THE TIME!? -   Judge_Gosht    10:58pm 04/12/01 
  hear hear   Patch    08:46pm 02/12/01 
  btw i do think neter and gosht help out[nt]   Gladiator.    03:27pm 02/12/01 
  Re: btw i do think neter and gosht help out[nt]   Judge_Gosht    05:58pm 04/12/01 
  Re: HAVE YOU EVER TAKEN THE TIME!? - Rapts   F13ldy    12:26pm 02/12/01 
  As a matter of fact.....   |OBC|Raven    07:46pm 01/12/01 
  Re: As a matter of fact.....   -[BS]-Sabotage    02:51pm 02/12/01 
  Re: HAVE YOU EVER TAKEN THE TIME!? - Rapts   Tiberius    06:27pm 01/12/01 
  Re: HAVE YOU EVER TAKEN THE TIME!? - Rapts   Psychicken    03:21pm 01/12/01 
  Re: HAVE YOU EVER TAKEN THE TIME!? - Rapts   Ultra31    03:07pm 01/12/01 
  Re: HAVE YOU EVER TAKEN THE TIME!? - Rapts   Gladiator.    01:10pm 01/12/01 
  Re: HAVE YOU EVER TAKEN THE TIME!? - Rapts   Dragonfist    12:24pm 01/12/01 
  Re: HAVE YOU EVER TAKEN THE TIME!? - Rapts   Appleyard    12:20pm 01/12/01 
  Re: HAVE YOU EVER TAKEN THE TIME!? - Rapts   Psycho*^*Bob    01:11pm 01/12/01