New Q3 Maps


The Meat Map Packs. or "I dont Care if you're Vegetarian, have some meat with your Frags."

Okay so there's a series of maps, all roughly woven around (or at least the titles are) a 'meat' theme - ie: whitemeat, darkmeat, and redmeat. Then the series, and the authors' macabre sense of humour extended with a 'meat patty' and 'colon cancer' maps..

The White Meat map is still one of the most amazing multiplayer maps ever, set inside a large stadium - filled with passageways, traps, bouncy-pads and goodies. The pic at left shows the whole arena, and at right, a view from ground level, to give an idea of the size of it all.

whitemeat.JPG (13259 bytes) whitemeat3.JPG (10986 bytes)

Then there's Redmeat  - a multilevel frag pit around a central tower, (not as good as Whitemeat but what the heck, (Download the two Meat Packs with all the levels on this page, from HERE (6megs) and HERE (8megs)  

In terms of serious brutal fragging, the Darkmeat (at right) supplies it bigtime - whereas RedMeat(at left)  has the space to let you run like hell from the other players...

Redmeat.jpg (13318 bytes) darkmeat.JPG (11523 bytes)

Then the meat-fan mapper went even weirder, and came up with the really strange and awesome Colon Cancer - which puts you on a large hi-tech conveyor belt thing which seems to be hurtling through the darkness of a tunnel forever and ever. Multi-levels, lots of space to run around - but fall off and you're dead.

Totally strange but compared to the usual cramped and claustrophobed Q3 levels, its like being dropped abruptly in some sci-fi flick. Pictures dont do the level justice, but here's Colon Cancer at left. its big - dont be fooled by the appearance of smallness..

And then at right, theres the equally deranged Meat Patty, which consists of multiple platforms in space, rising upwards in the darkness - the whole structure supported by three or four huge struts, up which we are glid

coloncancer.JPG (12745 bytes) MeatPatty.JPG (8262 bytes)

ing as the action erupts..