New Q3 Maps


Some last special Maps, or "Heyyyy, You Killed Me While I was Looking at the View!!"

Simetrik is a fairly new Map, which has a certain something about it. Its great for Deathmatch, and it's utterly surreal. Set in a fairly complex and well-thought out structure, hanging high in the clouds above a strange sea with the sun glinting nicely.

Of course, the view isnt going to stop you from dying painfully...                      

At left, an overall view, and at right a close detail amidst the action..   (Download it HERE) (3.2megs)

simetriklongshot.JPG (12771 bytes) simetrikclose.JPG (12996 bytes)

Then for the sushi-fanciers, there's another interesting Japanese-themed level, thats become a favourite with fraggers. Right down to sliding doors, tatami mats - we're definitely in the East, and  far away from the usual feel of Q3.

It's called JapanDM... at left and right are two external views of the different area's of the map.. (Download it HERE -it also contains a CTF version) (4.17megs)

Japandm1.jpg (17455 bytes)

Japandm2.jpg (13079 bytes)

If you saw the flick Gladiators, and have the urge to fight in a classical arena, complete with underground passageways,  and audience area's -  at left is The Coliseum.. its another fast and furious map that's worth a look.. (Download it HERE) (1.2megs)

At right is a large map that I think was made for some overseas exhibition, but which provides a lot of different places to hide, kill and generally slaughter people..It also has some fairly cute paintings up on walls - its called Exhibition. (Download it HERE) (1.04meg)

colleseum.JPG (16187 bytes) exhibition.JPG (20139 bytes)

And so on, and so on.

Hope you've seen enough to make you realize that Quake 3 isnt as boring as you once thought it was. These pix are only the tip of the iceberg, as there're a huge number of Levels and Mods available, which - if enough people start downloading them, will start getting played on local servers.

Then we can leave the sheer boredom of replaying the same level all night long, to the unimaginative Players, who just dont get the big picture as far as the awesome Q3 engine goes.

Take a look at Planet Quake for instance, and browse through their Mods of the Week section, you'll see there's a Total Western Conversion of Quake 3 - allowing you to play in complete Western towns, as cowboys (right down to the dynamite and shotguns)  Or Painkeep Arena, which lets you put Bear Traps on the floor, to cut the feet off people chasing you.. Or (my favourite) Quake Team Fortress, where you play as a number of different classes, amidst standard CTF warfare - snipers, engineers, soldiers, spies...  Or Invasion - where you can play as Aliens or Marines... Or - well, you get the idea...          :   )

Have fun. Coz that's what it's really all about.  See you online...

My Homepage is up HERE, if you're curious about me - and for those of you who are REALLY curious, or who have money they want to throw around, my fairly extensive CV is online HERE...cya

Ian Fraser ()