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Thanks for the advice, but... 12:59am 10 Dec 2001
Posted by: Ultra31
Date: 12:59am 10 Dec 2001

This message has been read 7 times.

I had to erase it for now... I'm having serious space issues at the mo. Hopefully tomorrow I'll be doing a format and i'll recover some space.
Thanks anyway

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  Replies author date
  dont have quake2, get it here   Gladiator.    08:00am 01/12/01 
  Can't locate Eraser 1.01 final working d/l link (nt)   Ultra31    09:40pm 08/12/01 
  omg - ultra = lazy :)   Gladiator.    09:56am 09/12/01 
  Yeah Yeah wise guy :P   Ultra31    01:51pm 09/12/01 
  bleh of course   Gladiator.    04:34pm 09/12/01 
  Thanks for the advice, but...   Ultra31    12:59am 10/12/01 
  Re: dont have quake2, get it here   Judge_Gosht    11:01pm 04/12/01 
  oh yeah btw   Gladiator.    08:03am 01/12/01