New Q3 Maps


  The RUNT and PADMAN Maps or "Hey! Size doesnt count!.. It...It really doesnt, okay?"

Ever been in a dream where you're small?  So small in fact, that a mouse would be the size of a motorbike in comparison to you? Well, there's a whole series of Q3 maps where this is exactly what happens. You're incredibly small, and in some GIANT's kitchen, or bedroom, or house. Suddenly it's very unlike any Q3 map you've ever played before, the world towers above you - you have to use bounce pads to get up onto chairs or beds. You're fragging in the Land of the Giants. 

The mother of all strange but cool fragging experiences, in other words.  These 'You Are Small' maps, more or less began fairly recently, but have attracted a growing fanbase, as more and more mappers, discover the coolness of immortalizing their own rooms and houses in Quake 3. As well as fans discovering a whole new micro-world of levels..

myroom1.JPG (12850 bytes) myroom2.JPG (14463 bytes)

The coolest thing about the 'runt' maps, is that you start out laughing - and not taking it too seriously, and end up feeling like you've dropped straight down the rabbit-hole, like Alice. (Grab RUNT-FEST HERE) (10megs zipped). I know its big, but its a must have for the collection anyway.

Dont want to frag in someone's room - then how about in their kitchen? (Complete with hideaway sniping spots high up in the ceiling, drainpipes below, and a zillion places to die - including the one hotplate on the stove that's on..


padkitchen1.JPG (20995 bytes) kitchen2.JPG (17531 bytes)

These are some screengrabs from cool mapper Padman's amazing PadKitchen.  (Get it HERE) (8megs)

obiwanshouse.JPG (13453 bytes) Then for more miniture mayhem, what about an entire house to roam and frag through.... ?

Get Obiwan's House Here   (4.2megs)