New Q3 Maps


Remakes Of Major Classic Levels or "Even tho it aint broken, we're fixing it."

There's something about a 'good' level, that's really hard to explain. A good level isnt a level that you've mastered and spend your time killing people on, its just a map that somehow pleases you to play. And it doesnt matter if you keep getting killed, because the overall effect on you of the map, just - works somehow.

Difficult to put into words, but believe me, every gamer knows a good level when they play, even if they cant explain why it works, without waving their hands around in the air in a futile way..

So what follows below, is a whole bunch of different gamers tributes to maps and levels which gave them a certain special something while playing. Some of them retain their original creators power, some dont - but hey - game levels, like food, are pretty darn subjective. One person's sophisticated sushi, is another persons horrid raw stinky uncooked fish, ya know?

At left, going way back in gaming history, is a remake of the classic DooM DM level Dead Simple (Get it HERE) (1.03meg) - not as big as it seemed back then, but still definitely a great Tourney Frag Map.    And at right, the equally smaller by todays standards (but still kickass as Tourney map) is the low gravity frag-fest from Quake - Ziggurat Vertigo....(NOTE: the pack includes The Cistern and The Bad Place below (get it HERE ) (5megs)

remake doom dead simple.JPG (17677 bytes) remake ziggurat vertigo.JPG (14741 bytes)

At left is the remake of the classic Quake 1 DM level The Cistern, although the Bender model is definitely new. Heh heh..  And at right its The Bad Place also from Quake..................................... 

remake q1 the cistern.JPG (15875 bytes) quake badplace.JPG (14630 bytes)

Or for a complete rebuilt from the ground up version of Quake DM 2 Claustrophobopolis (Get it HERE) (897K) - take a look at the screenshot at left, and remember all those happy times you got dumped in the lava on this level...

At right is a remake of the Duke Nukem DM level Alley  (Get it HERE) (3.8megs)

remakequakedm2.JPG (14744 bytes) remakeduke.JPG (9720 bytes)

Then for those who fragged from DooM through Quake and into Quake 2 - have some major nostalgia with the fairly BIG map from Q2, called Courts at War.. (Get it HERE) (5.3megs)

And at right, the not so successful but still deeply resonant opening level of DooM2, now a hardcore Tourney map (559k) (Get it HERE)

remake q2 courts at war.JPG (11457 bytes) doom2.JPG (8404 bytes)

Then, if the novelty maps and remakes arent your scene, (or are too difficult, seeing as you spent all your time learning the standard Q3 levels off by heart  - instead of learning how to PLAY the game itself :P ) -

You could always try one of the two final big leaps forward into good Quake 3 playing. Capture the Flag (CTF) or Mods, check out the next page.