New Q3 Maps


CTF and Mods   or "I've tasted a different Quake 3 to regular Vanilla - and I want MORE!"

Capture the Flag

Regular local gamers - not you - those other ones, who're too scared to try new things and maybe look stupid for a while - havent quite understood the coolness of CTF. It's both great training, as well as a lot of fun once you get into the idea of being Part of a Team.

There's your team, and across the way is the evil enemy. Now,  you want to disrepect the enemy team entirely, and invade their territory, grab their flag, and bring it back to your base and use it for toilet paper. Think it's easy? Nope. The enemy hates you just as much, and is working hard on doing the same to you - stealing your Flag, and rubbing your nose in the dirt.

All CTF levels consist of two opposing buildings, or areas - at gamestart, you pick your team and join up. Suddenly you're in a deathmatch with a whole bunch of team mates all looking to kill The Other Team! Think of it as Advanced Deathmatch - so even the newbie player can last a whole lot longer than in regular DM, thanks to being part of a team. That doesnt mean its easier than regular DM, its harder - but when did you last run yelling towards an enemy base with your buddies by your side? Rockets going off, the crack of snipers bullets... CTF is anything but lame..

Here are some battle arena's just waiting for the bloodshed to begin... at left is the classic Two Forts CTF (Get it HERE) (2.2megs)  and at right, a Space CTF, Diamond Sword (Get it Here) (2.8megs)

2fortCTF.JPG (16780 bytes) spacectf.JPG (9816 bytes)

Just to give you an idea of the actual size of the playing arena, here's a screengrab from Diamond Sword, halfway across that open connecting top level, separating the two warring teams :>

diamondswordctfclose.JPG (9108 bytes)

There are a number of CTF maps built into Quake 3 itself, but they rarely get played locally - which is a pity, because the violence levels are truly fun, heh heh.. Also, the real sense of warfare which occurs on CTF levels, goes way beyond that of normal deathmatch.


No dont be scared, there are some mods out there which even the slowest modem player can download. What's a Mod? It's a sometimes complete revamp of Quake 3 - so that it plays different, looks different, and even has utterly new weapons sometimes.

Feel the need occasionally, to take a break from the bloodshed? How about a Mod you can play on any Q3 level, which involves catching a chicken, and avoiding being killed by everyone else on the level, who wants the chicken for themselves. No one can kill anyone - the only person who's vulnerable, is whoever has the Chicken. The longer you get to hold it, the more score you get.

So the normally serious Q3, descends into roaming players, looking for the trail of chicken feathers, which drop behind the player with the bird - followed by bloody battles as each tries to Catch the Chicken and stay alive..

At left "Hmm, looks like the chicken came this way, that's a feather for sure.." At right - The Chicken itself!  (Get it HERE) (770k)

chicken1.JPG (10827 bytes) chicken2.JPG (11152 bytes)

Then, for another equally crazy (and easy to download) Mod, which alters the game to the point where the odds on you staying alive longer than a few seconds, arent very good. The Mod is called Excessive, and it simply increases the power of all the weapons beyond belief - so that the levels become utter chaos. Look at some screenshots as an example..(Excuse the backside of the puppy instead of the regular plasma gun, its just an addon I use)

At left are the shotgun right, the rail gun which now is as fast as a machine gun...

excessive 1.JPG (13248 bytes) excessive2.JPG (11921 bytes)


excessive3.JPG (11585 bytes)

"Hmm, all I have is a gauntlet, and there're 8 rockets heading my way... Think I'll die now..."

(Get the Excessive Mod HERE)
